What makes my Liver sick?
There are hundreds of liver disorders and some are quite rare. Many are preventable and if detected early, can be treated effectively.
Some common liver diseases include:

Alcoholic Liver Disease
Although not everyone who drinks heavily will develop alcoholic liver disease, for many people consistent heavy drinking can lead to fatty liver where your liver cells become swollen with excess fat. This can result in liver inflammation – also known as alcoholic hepatitis which can result in a permanently scarred and damaged liver.
Generally the more alcohol you drink, together with an increased frequency of drinking occasions, the more likely you are to develop cirrhosis.
For more information about alcohol and the liver go to:
- http://www.ncilsa.asn.au/about-hepatitis/living-with-hep-c/92-alcohol-and-your-liver
- http://www.britishlivertrust.org.uk/home/the-liver/liver-diseases/alcohol.aspx
- http://www.abc.net.au/health/thepulse/stories/2009/03/19/2514551.htm

Viral hepatitis
This is inflammation of the liver caused by virus. The most common in Australia are hepatitis A, B and C.
Hepatitis A is spread by consuming food or drinks which are contaminated by the hepatitis A virus. This is more common in communities where hygiene standards and sanitation are poor. There is a vaccine for hepatitis A. Most people recover within weeks although they may feel tired for many more months.
For more information about hepatitis A go to:
- http://www.hepatitisaustralia.com/about_hepatitis/hep_a.html
- http://www.britishlivertrust.org.uk/home/the-liver/liver-diseases/hepatitis-a.aspx
Hepatitis B is spread via blood to bloodstream contact, sexual contact and from mother to baby. Over 160,000 Australians are estimated to be living with chronic hepatitis B. Left undiagnosed and untreated, hepatitis B can lead to serious liver disease and liver cancer. Worldwide, the most common way by which hepatitis B is spread is from mother to baby. There is a vaccination for hepatitis B.
For more information on hepatitis B go to:
- http://www.hepatitisaustralia.com/about_hepatitis/hep_b.html
- http://www.worldhepatitisalliance.org/en/AboutViralHepatitis/What_is_Viral_Hepatitis.aspx
Hepatitis C is inflammation of the liver caused by the blood borne hepatitis C virus. It is spread by blood to bloodstream contact and is not classified as a sexually transmitted disease. Over 212,000 people in Australia are estimated to be living with chronic hepatitis C. There are 10,000 new infections each year. There is no vaccine for hepatitis C but treatment is available with up to 80 percent success rate depending on the strain of hepatitis C virus that’s being treated.
For more information about hepatitis C go to: